Day 2 - Attachment to Distraction
Begin with prayer -
"God, I believe that You are searching for me and I open my heart to You today. Please clear away the things that are blocking the door to my heart."
Meditation -
An attachment to distraction can seem all encompassing in the spiritual life. Whenever we try to focus, our thoughts immediately wander, whether we are in mass or praying throughout the day. Or perhaps we find ourselves living in an environment of constant distractions that come from the people around us or from what we ourselves have woven into the fabric of our daily lives. It's important to realize that distractions need to be approached differently depending on their source. If we find ourselves constantly distracted during a long prayer like the rosary, try to pray a decade at a time throughout the day. Another suggestion; as soon as you realize your thoughts have wandered, offer up whoever or whatever you were distracted by as your prayer intention.
If our environment is filled with noise, we often have a limited number of options to reduce that noise. Look closely at the noise coming from an attachment to media, technology, and news, and purge where possible. Realize that some your environment you cannot control, such as the members of your family, and that you can offer every moment of exterior noise, distraction, even chaos, as a sacrifice and prayer. Finally, your life should have the potential for silence at some point within the day and it is imperative to find and hallow that time. We all need the rest of silence from the noise that surrounds us.
Take five minutes in silence and open your heart to God. Ask Him to help you sweep away the distractions that clutter your heart, mind, and life. Ask Him to cultivate within your soul an interior peace and silence. Lord Jesus, dwell within my heart!
Gratitude -
or in the evening, pause and reflect on one specific thing you are
grateful for today, and give thanks to God for this and all the gifts in
your life.