Day 1 - Attachment to Anxiety
Begin with prayer -
"God, I believe
that You are searching for me and I open my heart to You today. Please
clear away the things that are blocking the door to my heart."
Meditation -
does an attachment to anxiety appear in your life? Are you often
thinking anxious thoughts about the future? About your personal goals?
Your spiritual life? Your relationships with others? Take five minutes
to think about where attachments to anxiety surface in your life. With
each one, close your eyes, and physically pull your hand from in front
of your heart, drawing the attachment out of your heart and then place
it in your open hand. Offer it to God and ask Him to heal you from the
root of this attachment. The opposite of anxiety is trust. Pray "Jesus, I
trust in you" after surrendering each attachment to Him.
Gratitude -
Now or in the evening, pause and reflect on one specific thing you are grateful for today and give thanks to God for this and all the gifts in your life.