Day 12 - Attachment to Our Plans

Begin with prayer -

"God, I believe that You are searching for me and I open my heart to You today. Please clear away the things that are blocking the door to my heart."

Meditation -

This attachment is one that most, if not all, people struggle with. We have our own ideas for how our life should unfold and it is difficult to let go of these ideas. Often, our own choices disrupt our ideal plans and it can be hard to see God at work within our muddled lives and sufferings. Do you find yourself wishfully thinking about the past or future? Is it difficult to let go of your own plans when you feel God leading you gently in a different direction? Is a period of waiting particularly painful for you? Do you feel deeply unhappy with where you are, and feel God has made a mistake with your life or perhaps that you have made a mistake? As a good friend once said, God isn't looking at the world or our own lives and wringing His hands. The place that you are in may be a place you need to leave or it may be a place you need to accept. Either way, God always has something beautiful planned and confidence in His love will never be disappointed. Listen to our Heavenly Father, speaking these words to you right now - "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Draw from your heart each attachment to your own plans, each anxiety about following God with confidence, each painful aspect about your life that isn't how you wanted it. Give it all to God and pray, "Jesus I surrender my life to you."

Gratitude -

Now or in the evening, pause and reflect on one specific thing you are grateful for today, and give thanks to God for this and all the gifts in your life.