Day 3 - Attachment to Perfectionism

Begin with prayer -

"God, I believe that You are searching for me and I open my heart to You today. Please clear away the things that are blocking the door to my heart."

Meditation -

An attachment to success can manifest as perfectionism. If you tend towards perfectionism, examine why. Is it because you directly relate your self worth to the things you do? Are you afraid that failure will mean you have failed as a person? Do you have unattainable standards for yourself that are rooted in a belief that you will never be good enough? Draw each lie out of your heart, each misplaced priority, and place it on your open palm, offering it to our heavenly Father. Ask Him to heal each of these wounds in your heart, and invite Him to dwell in your heart.
The opposite of perfectionism is acceptance of God's will. 

Gratitude -

Now or in the evening, pause and reflect on one specific thing you are grateful for today, and give thanks to God for this and all the gifts in your life.