Spiritual Sweep - Introduction



He Who has Chosen Us - De-cluttering Your Heart

The things we love tell us what we are - St. Thomas Aquinas

While watching one of Bishop Barron's homilies, I was struck by the truth that all of us are weighed down with disordered attachments and that it is necessary to clear these attachments away from our hearts. I am always drawn to programs focused on de-cluttering your house and belongings and so the idea of a similar spiritual cleansing was immediately appealing. Since this is the last day of the Christmas Season for Roman Catholics and it is also the beginning of the new year, it is the perfect time to focus on a spiritual renewal. Throughout the next few weeks, we will be posting a daily meditation and suggestion for prayer. Each day we will end with gratitude because, as Bishop Barron said, we need to focus on "gratitude for gifts given rather than a frenzied quest to be perfect." Please take this journey with us and sweep away the things cluttering your heart - the attachments that are preventing you from opening the door of your heart to Christ Who is standing and knocking at every moment. Peace be with you.